Student Solution


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Week 4 Topic 2: Writing Concise Sentences

Week 4 Topic 2

Q In this discussion, you will work on writing concise sentences. Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday) Select a sentence from any of your own prior writing that could be made more concise. This could be writing you have submitted or posted in discussions in this class or it could be from another context. • Post the original sentence. • Revise the sentence to make it more concise. Be sure to indicate your revisions in bold type. • Using what you have learned about the functions of commas, demonstrate informed and deliberate choices about comma use in your revised sentence. • Demonstrate the grammar and writing skills covered in previous weeks. Peer Response (due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday) Review the original and revised sentence of at least one classmate and comment on the effectiveness of the revisions. Here are a few things you might consider when writing your response: o Do the revisions make the original sentence more concise? If so, how? If not, suggest an alternative revision. o Does the revised sentence accurately capture the meaning of the original sentence? If not, mention why and/or suggest an alternative revision. o What insight about concise writing have you gained by reviewing your classmate's post? o What insight might you offer your classmate regarding concise writing?

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